• satya@hellozag.com



Book Clients Who Pay $3,000 - $10,000+ Per Project - In Just 1 Afternoon

Learn the step-by-step process to work with high-value clients, 3X your profits and get paid 100% in advance - even if you’re just starting out as a freelancer.

  • Plug & Play Resources
  • Step-by-Step Video Tutorials
  • 1000+ Students Worldwide

Are You Sick And Tired Of Low-value Projects & Cheap-o Clients Who Are A Pain To Work With?

  • Do you feel like you're spending HOURS on Upwork/Fiverr every single day - but not winning the kind of clients you *truly* want?
  • Are you stuck with booking $200-$400 projects that take SO much work - but don't pay the bills?
  • Do you wish you could charge THOUSANDS of dollars every month - or finally book that elusive $5,000 - $10,000 package?
  • Frustrated by clients who say: "sorry, I don't have the budget for that!" - after you've spent 8 hours writing a custom proposal?
  • Do you feel like your clients just ghost you after the sales call - so you don't even know why they disappeared?
  • Do you wish you could just hit 'skip' on all the #FreelanceStruggles - and just get to the good part where you're happily booked with dream clients who HAVE the budget to hire you?!

‘Skip The Burnout Of Low Hourly Rates’ & Get High-end Clients For $3,000 - $10,000+ Packages

NO LONG PROPOSALS that take 8+ hours to write

NO LATE PAYMENTS OR UNPAID INVOICES that need to be 'followed-up' for weeks

NO DISCOUNTS, bargaining or price objections

NO SCOPE CREEP or unpaid extra work

NO PROJECT DELAYS that suck up your time and prevent you from getting more client

The Old Way

The New Way

Create A High Value Package *Once* And Sell It To Clients With Healthy Budgets - Over And Over Again!

Say Sayonara To..

...Feeling confused & frustrated about what to offer, how to price and whether someone really wants your packages. …

...throwing spaghetti at the wall with your packages, getting 15 sales calls and find out no one wants your offer.

always feeling like your rates are too low for the quality of the service you offer

shitty clients, low rates, late payments and an income rollercoaster that makes you feel on-edge 24/7

Instead, You’ll Be Able To..

follow a simple formula and bust out attractive, high-value packages in a couple of hours

send $3K - $10K+ invoices that get paid the same day - no proposals required! (heck yeah!)

be proud to share your packages with clients - because you can see clients asking: “ok, how quickly can we start!?”

feel so confident and at ease knowing that you can pull in new clients ANYTIME you want …regardless of the economy, pandemic or anything else!


PROFIT MULTIPLIER FORMULA is a power-packed digital toolkit for freelancers & consultants who want to create $3,000 - $10,000+ packages that attract premium clients easily - in just 1 afternoon.

This is a self-paced course with INSTANT ACCESS to all the content - so you can binge all in a day, or take as much time as you need!

Here's What You Get:

  • 5 Core Modules on Premium Packaging & Pricing Your Packages
  • 5 Audio Trainings on Maximizing Your Profits A Freelancer
  • Speedy Implementation worksheets
  • Sample packages from freelancers who are selling at premium rates


Join Today For Just $27



Video Modules + Worksheets For Easy Implementation

(VALUE $499)

Module 1

Why most freelancers are over-worked and underpaid (and what you can do today to avoid getting stuck in that trap today)

(VALUE $444)

Module 2

How to instantly identify and attract clients who have the budget to pay premium rates (even if you're just starting out)

(VALUE $397)

Module 3

What you can do to charge 3X the rates for services you're already offering - and still get fully booked out

(VALUE $199)

Module 4

Why you should NOT be constantly hunting for new clients - and what to do instead to hit $10K+ months with ease

(VALUE $397)

Module 5

3 simple strategies to reduce your workload by 10 hrs/week and still earn more (and why it's crucial to your success as a consultant)

(VALUE $97)


Real-life examples of productized services that have generated MILLIONS of dollars in high-ticket sales for these freelancers & consultants!

Everything you need to find + convert clients into premium packages as a freelancer or consultant.

Plus, 3 Bonuses

(VALUE $194)

Lifetime Access

Get lifetime access to all trainings + bonuses. As your business grows and evolves, you can create new packages using these principles - over & over again

(VALUE $397)

5 Handy Workbooks

The worksheets will help you create $5,000 - $15,000+ packages with ease. Never feel lost again!

(VALUE $97)

10 Real Life Examples

Get inspired by the real-world examples of packages created by 6-figure freelancers around the world


Perfect For Freelancers, Consultants And Service Providers In Across Industries

  • Marketing Strategists
  • Social Media Managers
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Funnel Builders
  • Copywriters
  • Content Marketers
  • Consultants
  • Graphic Designers
  • Web Designers
  • Developers
  • Agency Owners
  • Financial consultants

A Shortcut To Premium Rates, Long-term Clients And $10,000+ Months

A lot of people will probably raise their eyebrows and be skeptical when I talk about

this strategy. 😅 (It's smart to do that, BTW.)

There are dubious claims on the internet, especially when it’s about sales…

So, I'd rather let my student's results + screenshots do the talking.



What If You Could Have The Same Results - Using This Simple Strategy?

  • Have a clear, compelling package that delivers high-value outcomes - while being simple and profitable for you to fulfill.
  • Easily charge $3K - $10K+ - for just a week's worth of work.
  • Got clients excited to work with you and say - "How quickly can we start?"
  • Never write a custom proposal ever again - just pop the Package Details + Payment Link into the contract and send it over after the call.
  • Get paid by clients on the SAME DAY - without price objections.
  • Sell the same packages to premium clients in your fav industry - over and over again - and collect fat bags of profits every time.
  • Wake up excited to work on your business - because you're doing what you love, working with awesome clients and get paid WELL to do your job.
  • Work only 4 days a week, take a vacation every quarter and still hit all your revenue goals.

That's exactly what my students have done with Profit Multiplier Formula!

Testimonials From Happy Students

"Even after being in business for 11 years - I filled up 5 sheets of A4 paper with notes. There are SO many insights in this course - I need to go back re-listen and fill out the worksheets again. Very valuable!

I've been doing what Satya says NOT to do - so there's a lot of fix now, but I'm excited about it!

Highly recommend Profit Multiplier Formula!"


United States

"Before I took this program, I was exhausted from working with clients and projects that required a lot of work - but my business wasn't bringing in enough revenue.

After Profit Multiplier Formula - I raised my prices by 4X - and realized there are SO many clients who can pay me that price.

I went from making $2,200/mo to $10,000/mo - thanks to this program!"

"Before I took this program, I was exhausted from working with clients and projects that required a lot of work - but my business wasn't bringing in enough revenue.

After Profit Multiplier Formula - I raised my prices by 4X - and realized there are SO many clients who can pay me that price. I went from making $2,200/mo to $10,000/mo - thanks to this program!"

Mary S




Satya Jaganathan

Hey there, I'm Satya - and I've helped 100s of freelancers charge premium rates, book better clients and 3X their profits since 2018.

Apart from helping freelancers with growth - I’ve been a marketing & growth consultant and making multiple 6-figures per year with premium clients.

But it wasn’t always like that: When I first started out online in 2015 - I was over-worked even when I made only $3K per month.

I was charging peanuts, working too hard and sending proposals that took 8+ HOURS to write.

After getting burned out in my business after the first 1.5 years - I figured there had to be a better way to run a freelancing business.

I "trial and error-ed" my way into a business that generated $30K - $50K+ per month.

Now, I want to show you my secret formulas, profitable packaging strategies + worksheets to help you join the top 5% of freelancers around the world and make over $150K/year.

"Why Should I Listen To You?"

Over the last 6+ years - I've been running a multiple 6-figure marketing consulting business - and worked with hundreds of clients who have paid $5,000 - $30,000+ to work with me. You absolutely don't have to listen to me - but creating + selling high-end packages has been one of the best things I've ever done in my business.



Join 100% Risk-free Today!

Profit Multiplier Formula is a course with proven results from students around the world. I'm 100% convinced that you'll love this product, that's why I'm offering you a 7-day money back guarantee!

In the highly unlikely event that you're unsatisfied with this course, you can request your money back within 7-days of purchase. NO questions asked.


Everything You Need To Create & Sell High-value Packages In One Afternoon


Each module is under 30 minutes long - so you can take action and move forward TODAY!

  • 5 CORE TRAININGS: Creating High-Ticket Packages & Pricing Your Packages
  • Training #1: Why most freelancers are over-worked and underpaid (and what you can do today to avoid getting stuck in that trap today) **Value $499**
  • Training #2: How to instantly identify and attract clients who pay premium rates (even if you're just starting out) **Value $444**
  • Training #3: What you can do to charge 3X the rates for services you're already offering - and still get fully booked out **Value $397**
  • Training #4: Why you should NOT be constantly hunting for new clients - and what to do instead to hit $10K+ months with ease **Value $199**
  • Training #5: 3 simple strategies to reduce your workload by 10 hrs/week and still earn more (and why it's crucial to your success as a consultant) **Value $397**
  • BONUS: Lifetime Access to all course materials **Value $194**
  • BONUS: Speedy Implementation Worksheets with all trainings **Value $397**
  • BONUS: Sample Packages from Real Freelancers **Value $97**


Only $27

This is a self-paced course with INSTANT ACCESS to all the content - so you can binge all in a day, or take as much time as you need! This course does NOT include email, messenger or community support.


Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly can I expect results from this course?

It depends on how quickly you implement what you learn. Some students see results within 1 week - others take a few months - depending on how quickly they act. If you do absolutely nothing with the information, you won't see any results.

Does this course come with calls or email support? Is there a community?

No, the course is designed to be self-guided and self-paced. There is no email, message support or community with this course.

Do I get lifetime access?

Absolutely. You can access it for as long as you'd like with no extra payment.

WIll it work for me if I'm outside a high-paying market like the US or UK?

Great question! Many of my students are based in countries like India, Malaysia, Singapore, Antigua & Barbuda, Mexico, South Africa, Hong Kong - and they still get amazing results from using the strategies taught in this course. The best part of the freelance economy is that we can work with clients anywhere in the world!

Fun fact: I'm not based in the US or UK either - I've lived in Singapore, India and (now) Dubai - and my strategies have worked for me all the way through.

Where can I find high-end clients? Do you teach lead generation inside this course?

If you want help with lead generation - please add-on the 'Quality Leads Playbook' in the order bump section at checkout for $97. That will give you ALL my best strategies for generating quality leads at a highly discounted price.

What if I have another question?

Reach out to me at satya@hellozag.com - and I'll be happy to help!

"Selling $7,000+ Packages Regularly!"


Brand Strategist & Copywriter

“I went from making $3,000/mo to selling $7,000+ packages on a regular basis. It used to be a once-in-a-blue-moon event for me to sell a big package - now I get enquiries from clients every week!

Think About It - How Much Money Are You Leaving On The Table Right Now - Because You Charge Hourly Rates?

Creating packages that solve a high-value problem for clients is THE secret to end the 'freelance income rollercoaster' and get premium client projects, retainers and VIP days - on repeat.

I've been using the strategies inside this course to sell $5000 - $30,000+ packages for myself since 2016. My freelance income has allowed me travel the world for 6 months, support my family and work with clients all over the world, on my terms.

My students make HUNDREDS of thousands of Dollars in sales every year with the packages that have been created using Profit Multiplier Formula.

The strategies I teach inside this program WORK - so what are you waiting for?!

Inside Profit Multiplier Formula - I will show you how to create high-value packages that clients LOVE - at premium rates that your bank account will LOVE, too.

It's time for you to close bigger packages with ease - and get paid 100% in advance.

Whether you're running ads, booking calls through social media or finding clients through Upwork - your packages will help you close the clients as quickly as possible - and then turn them into repeat customers.

Are you READY to send the biggest invoices you've EVER sent - and close those

deals with confidence?

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